A. Purpose of the Competition


In the wave of globalization, Oriental aesthetics have emerged as a powerful artistic voice attracting global attention, transcending borders, blending ancient and modern, and highlighting the unique cultural charm and international aesthetic appeal. Aesthetic resonance knows no boundaries. Oriental aesthetics, through the integration of “Chinese culture + innovative design”, are inspiring the creativity and imagination of our times, leading the global future aesthetic trends.

The “DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition” is a global design event deeply rooted in the rich soil of traditional Chinese culture, driven by design innovation, and complemented by a broad stage for commercial application. It encompasses product design as well as related packaging design, promotional poster design, space display strategies, and digital marketing categories. The competition aims to foster international exchange and mutual learning in design culture and inspire the deep integration of design inspiration and commercial value, allowing the world to witness the beauty of the East and feel the profound heritage and boundless vitality of Chinese culture.

B. Awards


B-1 DaMeiDongFang Design Award

Awarded to the best design that embodies Oriental aesthetic content and commercial potential, representing the highest honor and recognition.


Number of Recipients: 1

Award: DaMeiDongFang Design Award trophy, cash prize, and authoritative award certificate, representing the highest honor


B-2 Three Radiance Awards

Inspired by the phrase “Three Radiances: Sun, Moon, and Stars” from the ancient text Three Character Classic, this special award consists of three prizes: First, Second, and Third place, embodying the harmony of heaven, earth, and humanity to reflect the brilliance of design wisdom.

“Rising Sun Gold Award” - Symbolizes hope and innovation, like the rising sun.

“Bright Moon Silver Award” - Represents depth and excellence, like the bright moon in the sky.

“Starry Sky Bronze Award” - Reflects wisdom and top-tier achievement, like the leader among the stars.


Subject: Professional/Student

Product Categories: Traditional Pure Gold, Traditional Gold Inlay, Intangible Cultural Heritage Gold, Comprehensive Precious Metals

Number of Recipients: 3 per category in each group

Award: Competition Honor Trophy, cash prize, and authoritative award certificate


B-3 Honorary Nomination Award

Derived from the ancient poem phrase “honor is a treasure”, this award recognizes outstanding winners, who will receive an award certificate. The DaMeiDongFang Design Award, Rising Sun Gold Award, Bright Moon Silver Award, and Starry Sky Bronze Award will all be selected from the Honorary Nomination Award winners.

Award: Honorary award certificate


B-4 Distinguished Contribution Award

This award is designed to honor individuals, teams, brands, media, and institutions that have made outstanding contributions to the commercial application segment of the competition.

Award: Honorary award certificate

C. Evaluation Criteria


The evaluation will be based on three dimensions: “Heaven, Earth, and Humanity”, selecting works with high commercial value, cultural significance, and deep Chinese cultural heritage.


C-1 The Way of Heaven: Global Spreading of Chinese Culture, Fulfilling the Cultural Mission of the Era

Focuses on design innovation and intellectual depth, advocating for designs that carry forward the essence of Oriental culture, promote Chinese culture, and lead global aesthetic trends.


C-2 The Practice of Earth: Great Virtue Promotes Growth, Creating Social Benefits and Commercial Prosperity

Centers on commercial value, advocating for excellent designs with commercial potential that contribute to social and economic development.


C-3 The Essence of Humanity: People-Centered, Demonstrating Deep Humanistic Care

Design rooted in deep insights and respect for human nature, skillfully integrating the wisdom of ergonomics, blending emotion with function, and turning works into art forms that touch the heart and express emotions.

D. Evaluation Process


The jury comprises nine top experts and scholars from the jewelry industry, design community, and academia. They will strictly adhere to the competition standards to select the winners from compliant entries.

Winners will be invited to attend the “DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition Award Ceremony” in Shenzhen, China, in December 2024. All awards except the Honorary Nomination Award will be presented on site. Winning works will also be showcased in the “DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition Award Exhibition” and included in the 2024 DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition Award Collection.

D-1 Preliminary Evaluation

The preliminary evaluation will be conducted online, where the jury will select the Honorary Nomination Award-winning works according to the competition standards, and these works will be publicly announced on official media and websites.


D-2 Final Evaluation

After the preliminary results are announced, the final evaluation will commence offline. Once the final results are determined, the Organizing Committee will invite the winners to participate in the subsequent award ceremony and exhibition events.

E. Commercial Application


E-1 Copyright Statement

The “DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition” (hereinafter referred to as “the Competition”) respects and protects the intellectual property rights of each participant. The copyright of all winning works remains with the creators, while the Organizing Committee of DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Organizing Committee”) has the right of first refusal for the commercial development and application of the winning works. The specific terms of cooperation and profit-sharing models will be determined through negotiations with the winners.


E-2 Work Optimization and Adjustment

Winners are responsible for the optimization and adjustment of their works during the commercial application process to ensure the quality and market adaptability of the works. The Organizing Committee will work closely with the winners to jointly enhance the commercial value of the works.


E-3 Commercial Profit Distribution

The Organizing Committee will be responsible for the commercial operation and market promotion of the winning works. All profits generated from the commercial application of the works will be reasonably distributed by the Organizing Committee. Based on the actual benefits derived from the commercial application of the works, the Organizing Committee will return a portion of the profits to the creators according to a pre-agreed ratio.


E-4 Transparency and Fairness

To ensure transparency and fairness in the commercial application process, the Organizing Committee will establish a comprehensive profit distribution mechanism. The specific amount and method of profit distribution will be dynamically adjusted based on the commercial application and market feedback of the works.


E-5 Supervision and Feedback

The Organizing Committee will establish a supervision mechanism to ensure that every step of the commercial application process is open and transparent. The Organizing Committee also encourages winners to provide feedback to jointly optimize commercial application strategies and realize the maximum commercial potential of the works.


E-6 Continuous Cooperation and Development

The Organizing Committee looks forward to establishing long-term cooperative relationships with the winners, jointly exploring more commercial possibilities for the works. Through ongoing cooperation and development, both parties aim to achieve mutual benefits and promote innovation and progress in the jewelry design industry.


E-7 Participation Incentives

Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a series of cultural and commercial activities launched following the event, aimed at enhancing professional skills, deepening cultural understanding, and promoting industry exchange and collaboration, thereby incubating outstanding designers and fostering industry development.

F. Competition Themes


F-1 Theme 1: Fortune in China

The culture of “Fortune” is a shared spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, carrying the universal wishes for peace, longevity, prosperity, and wealth, which embodies the infinite pursuit of and aspiration for an ideal life by the Chinese nation.

“Fortune in China” aims to breathe new life and vitality into the ancient culture of fortune through the art of design.


F-2 Theme 2: Joy Spreads Worldwide

The culture of “Joy” embodies the profound cultural essence of the Chinese nation. Whether it is the joy expressed in festivals or the celebration of happy occasions, the element of joy becomes a hallmark of Oriental aesthetic art and sincere blessings intertwined.

“Joy Spreads Worldwide” seeks to reshape the image of joy through design language, paying tribute to traditional culture and showcasing the cultural confidence and creative expression of the new era.

G. Categories


G-1 Product System Design

Participants are required to submit a comprehensive design project that includes product design, as well as related packaging design, promotional poster design, space display strategy, and digital marketing.

Products must consist of a series design with 6-10 items, including necklaces, pendants, bracelets/chains, earrings, rings, hair accessories, brooches, etc. (except intangible cultural heritage gold items, which can be submitted individually or as a series).

Related designs such as packaging, promotional posters, space displays, and digital marketing based on the product can be presented either as concept designs or complete design solutions.

The scoring weight will focus primarily on product design, with related designs as supplementary.


G-1-1 Traditional Pure Gold

Utilizing intangible cultural heritage crafts: filigree, engraving, enamel, granulation, and other traditional Chinese craftsmanship forms.


G-1-2 Traditional Gold Inlay

Based on traditional pure gold, inlaying commonly used materials such as gemstones, jadeite, Hetian jade, agate, etc.


G-1-3 Intangible Cultural Heritage Gold

Designs incorporating elements of Chinese intangible cultural heritage, mainly for festive and business gifts, including business gifts, festival gifts, home decor, and other aesthetic lifestyle products or series.


G-1-4 Comprehensive Precious Metals

Cross-industry, multi-material designs utilizing gold, jewelry, silver, and other precious metal materials combined with materials or industry characteristics from other sectors, such as ceramics, copper, 3C, fabrics, etc.

H. Eligibility


- Global professional designers, students, design enthusiasts, and design institutions can all participate, either individually or as a team.

- Entries must align with the competition’s themes and must not have been commercially used.

- Entries can be submitted by companies or individuals with authorship rights.



- Participants can submit any number of entries, provided they meet the competition requirements.

- Each entry (or group of entries) can only be submitted under one theme category. Duplicate submissions will be considered invalid.

- Any works involving the competition jury members will not be eligible for participation or awards.

I. Submission Steps


I-1 Competition Categories

- There are 2 main theme categories and 4 product design categories in this competition. Please read the details carefully to choose the appropriate category for your work.


I-2 Work Submission

I-2-1 Submission via Email

Please package your design works that meet the competition requirements, including files that explain the competition theme, work category, work name, creative description, co-creators, and other information, as well as the Originality Certification Copyright Filing certificate, and send them to the following email:



I-2-2 Submission via Official Website

- Log in to the DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition official website www.dameidc.com

- Register using a valid email address, which will become your competition account;


● Create a Competition Project

- After successful account registration, log in to your account, select “Create Competition Project”, and choose the theme and work category you want to participate in;

- After selecting the competition category, register the details of the work online (work name, creative description, co-creators, etc.);

- Once the competition project is filled out, you can continue to create new works and register other entries;

- Each project allows for the registration of one entry, with 1-10 images, each image no larger than 5MB, and the resolution must be at least 300 dpi. The file format should be JPG, and you may also submit an optional video under 150MB to support the evaluation (not mandatory);

- The creative description must be in both Chinese and English, with a maximum of 300 words for each language to help the jury fully understand and evaluate the work;

- Upload the Originality Certification Copyright Filing certificate and submit it.


I-3 Waiting for Results

After submission, please follow the official channels below to stay updated on the competition progress and the latest news:

WeChat Official Account:









If your submission wins an award, we will promptly contact you via email or phone. Please refrain from calling to inquire about the results.

J. Key Dates


J-1 Submission Deadline

The registration period for entries is from 24:00 on August 13, 2024, to 24:00 on October 15, 2024 (Beijing Time). After this, the competition submission system will automatically close.

Preliminary Evaluation: October 15, 2024, to October 20, 2024.

Final Evaluation: November 20, 2024, to November 25, 2024.

All winning entries for the Honorary Nomination Award will be announced on October 20, 2024, on the official competition media and partner media platforms.

All competition awards (except the Honorary Nomination Award) will be announced and presented at the award ceremony to be held in Shenzhen, China, in December 2024. The winning works will also be exhibited from that day onward.

K. Event Inquiries


Organizing Committee of DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition

Address: Room 6008, Building A, Shuibei Wanshan Jewelry Park, Luohu District, Shenzhen

Contact Person and Phone (same number on WeChat): Ms. Tu, 13113656137; Ms. Li, 15796416017

L. Disclaimer


- Participants must agree to and authorize the Organizing Committee of DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition to use, copy, reproduce, and publish all forms of design works submitted to the Organizing Committee (including but not limited to drawings, photos, images, source files, drafts, texts, slides, physical objects, and digital materials) without any fee or compensation. The Organizing Committee will use these works in relevant professional activities and promotional events.


- The submitted works must be original creations by the participant(s), who must have full authorship rights. If any intellectual property or authorship disputes arise, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to disqualify the participant(s) and award, with the participant(s) bearing the corresponding consequences.


- The Organizing Committee will not be held responsible for any copyright or intellectual property disputes arising from the participants’ submitted works.

- The Organizing Committee retains the right to exhibit, publish (including in an electronic manner), and collect the selected works.

M. Submission Guidelines


- The Organizing Committee will not return any digital copies of the submitted works. Participants are advised to retain their own copies.

- Winners are not required to produce and deliver physical items. The Organizing Committee will be responsible for prototyping and producing the physical versions of the winning works, as well as subsequent exhibitions and commercial applications.

- To respect original intellectual property rights, the Organizing Committee has commissioned the Genuine Product Traceability Platform (CGICP) to provide free copyright registration protection for all participants, and only accepts submissions that have been registered.

- Each design work submitted to the Organizing Committee (including but not limited to drawings, photos, images, source files, drafts, texts, slides, physical objects, and digital materials) must be accompanied by an Originality Certification Copyright Filing certificate for submission. Participants can log in to the Genuine Product Traceability Platform (www.cgicp.cn) to register for a free Originality Certification Copyright Filing certificate (one free certificate per person). If assistance is needed to apply for the certificate, please add WeChat 13164739366 (same number on phone).

N. Dispute Resolution


- The Organizing Committee of DaMeiDongFang Gold and Jewelry Innovation Design Competition reserves the right of final interpretation regarding any disputes arising from these regulations.

- The Organizing Committee will further improve and refine the rules and address any issues not covered by these regulations.